Onboarding tips (tools, books, ...)
This page is more of a personal “map” for me to take note and revisit tools that I sometimes need to reinstall in new machines I use for work (both at home or in the workplace). It usually helps me quickly setup and prepare for new monster projects when I’m in Tester-Commando mode.
Feel free to have a look! Or also suggest something new.
ohmyzshbash (I stopped usingohmyzsh
, read more about it here. Also useful bash cheatsheet of stuff I tend to forget, shell (.bashrc) settings and terminal color- homebrew
- curl, wget, and insomnia
- mcfly
- k6.io
- vim and vim settings (also clone scripts project). Also gVim, vim-plug, goyo.vim
- basic folder struct (personal, screenShots, work, books)
- git and
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"
- aws cli - (supporting multiple aws cli profiles)
- vs code (and plugin for running with Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- keepass, for Mac and for Windows
- lynx browser and firefox
- skitch
- audacity, obs studio, vlc, gimp
- beekeeper-studio, dBeaver,
nvmuse fnm instead, nvm was slowing down terminal opening- virtualbox and UTM for mac
- kubectl
- kubetail
- docker
- dive (for discovering ways to shrink the size of docker image)
- jq and xpath
- beekeeper-studio
- hyperfine for benchmarking shell
- foobar2000
- tailscale
Other tools not in current/recent use:
- poetry
- intellij community edition and my settings.jar
- maven 3 and java 8
- calibre
- kafka console tools
- teampapersnap
- exporter and dunkirk
- adb tools
- charles, desktop and iOS app
- bat, gawk
- recode (to convert from html weird chars to ascii and vice-versa)
- scrcpy (to provide display of android devices connected via USB)
- websocat (Netcat, curl and socat for WebSockets)
useful windows software
- wiztree or windirstat
- usb device tree viewer
- crystal disk info to check health status of hdd / ssd
- hwmonitor to check temperatures and voltages
- gVim
Useful browser extensions: uBlock origin, Open multiple urls, ModHeader, noscript, i still dont care about cookies, user agent switcher
- speed up new terminal tab loading time
- More on this: when using
be sure to keep things in.bash_profile
so it’s only loaded once instead of.bashrc
where it’s loaded on every command. Also install
- More on this: when using
- weird “command not found” on mac os terminal / non breaking spaces - due to non breaking spaces
- get rid of useless macos screenshot preview
- keep power on while lid closed on battery
- hide dock instantly
- disable processor performance boost mode. If option is not there change registry settings, Open Registry, Follow the path:
and change Attributes from 1 to 0 - deactivate annoying sound in “windows bash”
- sublime on Windows Subsystem for linux
- Installing windows11 on virtualbox - bypass weird issue “This PC can’t run Windows 11”
- disable windows compatibility telemetry - causes random high cpu usage
- weird “failed to set locale” error on bash
- multiple ssh private keys
- install ruby on ubuntu the less crappy way
- supporting multiple git ssh keys
- folder exclude setting for Sublime
- Relieving your Python packaging pain
VS Code packages:
batisteo.vscode-django, bibhasdn.unique-lines, donjayamanne.python-extension-pack, erd0s.terraform-autocomplete, eriklynd.json-tools, euskadi31.json-pretty-printer, fabiospampinato.vscode-diff, hashicorp.terraform, hbenl.vscode-test-explorer, hookyqr.minify, lextudio.restructuredtext, littlefoxteam.vscode-python-test-adapter, magicstack.magicpython, mikestead.dotenv, ms-azuretools.vscode-docker, ms-dotnettools.csharp, ms-mssql.mssql, ms-python.python, ms-python.vscode-pylance, ms-toolsai.jupyter, ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers, ms-vscode.test-adapter-converter, nidu.copy-json-path, njpwerner.autodocstring, poeticandroid.vscode-poetry, ptd.vscode-unitymeta, redhat.vscode-commons, redhat.vscode-yaml, shardulm94.trailing-spaces, streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker, tht13.python, torn4dom4n.latex-support, visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode, waderyan.gitblame, wholroyd.jinja, yzane.markdown-pdf, yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
Sublime packages:
"Babel","BlameHighlighter","BracketHighlighter","Color Highlighter",
"Cucumber Completion","Cucumber Step Finder","Cucumber","Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting","FileDiffs",
"Gherkin (Cucumber) Formatter","Git","Handlebars","JsFormat","Kotlin",
"LoremIpsum","Merge Windows","Multi Select Alphabetizer","Package Control",
"Swift","SyncedSideBar","TrailingSpaces","TypeScript Syntax"