On maintaining a k6 codebase, Part 1

Note: This is a technical blog post, different than most of my usual writings. It’s meant for readers that have used k6, and might enjoy some of my personal workarounds and tips. If you’ve never heard about k6, I recommend reading my past post about it.
The problem
When folks start trying out k6, everything “looks” simple.
We want to load test an endpoint? Write a few lines of Javascript, let k6 do the rest.
The typical example script would look something like this:
import { check } from 'k6';
import http from 'k6/http';
export default function () {
const res = http.get('http://test.k6.io/');
check(res, {
'is status 200': (r) => r.status === 200,
And running is as easy as most CLI tools, just run: k6 run <our-script.js>
Compared to other tools on the market: it’s a buttery smooth first time developer experience.
Want to mimic a scenario that requires more endpoints? We have a couple of ways of doing just that:
- Code the script by hand;
- Use k6’s own Test builder;
- Postman users can convert their postman collections to k6… with its limitations;
- *cough* jMeter users can Wololo their way out of it too using another converter;
- …
This is all fine for one script. In all cases we’ll likely end up with a load script that will look, in the less complex of cases, a bit like:
import { check } from 'k6';
import http from 'k6/http';
export default function () {
const res = http.post('...');
check(res, {
// some assertions and saving some data
const res2 = http.put('...');
check(res2, {
// some assertions and saving some data
const res3 = http.get('...');
check(res3, {
// some assertions and saving some data
// script goes on ad-infinitum
The script will grow as big as the single API flow we are trying to mimic.
BUT, now we’re in trouble! What if we want to tackle a complex scenario, for example:
- Mimic one realistic user interaction through the API, involving LOTS of endpoints;
- Add different paths with specific fixture data for the same main user interaction;
- Mimic multiple realistic user interactions in separate scripts;
- …
Soon enough, we’ll start scratching our heads. We’ll go through k6 documentation. We’ll pour over modules and deep-dive into test lifecycles, k6-execution and SharedArrays.
Despair! Chaos reigns! Oh the humanity! It’s hideous to watch fellow listeners!
Reality sets in. There’s not really a recipe laying around with a scalable way to maintain our load testing codebase that can both:
- Map our entire API(s) in a way that k6 can understand, AND
- Allow us to mimic what different users might do at scale…
Proposed solutions
There are some workarounds that have helped me maintaining a few load testing codebases.
- Abstract requests in clients, where we break apart specifics of requests from the global vision of the scenario we’re doing;
- Expose custom Environment variables, where we set up the scripts for future tweaking of context;
- Wrap assertions and meaningful failures, where we attempt to catch failure states faster.
Abstract requests in clients
Abstracting requests in clients means separating “behavior” from the “descriptive” part of tests. The principle is:
Our main script ONLY paints the interaction flow we’re trying to mimic against our target system. Everything else is somewhere else.
In our load test script we are only looking at the design of our test. Any specifics of the interactions we can abstract away into clients and other helpers.
How much we should abstract is anyone’s guess. Too much abstraction early on is dull. And like folks say, it may be better to duplicate than to pursue the wrong abstraction.
Where I personally try to strike the balance is:
Any sort of requests’ description and logic, we can probably get away with by creating a “Client”
Put into an example scenario, let’s say:
- Take a fictional API for our Dinosaur Park, everything is accessible electronically;
- We can access all the dinosaur feeding machines and deploy food in each through the API;
- We want to observe the system at the scale of a malicious attack. Someone tries to clog the feeders by repeatedly trying to activate all.
The script itself in k6 would look something like this:
/* global __ENV */
import { group } from 'k6'
import { CustomClient } from './util/customclient.js'
// ...
const hostname = __ENV.hostname
const dinossaur_species = __ENV.dinossaur_species
export default function () {
group('Deploy food for a given species', function () {
const client = new CustomClient(hostname)
const feeders = client.getDinosaurFeeders(dinossaur_species)
for (let i = 0; i < feeders.length; i++) {
In the above script we ignore the specifics of the API requests. We don’t know how to actually list/get all the dinosaur feeders and then deploy food on each of them. Those specifics we would encode and expose in a client, which would look like:
import http from 'k6/http';
import {group, check, fail} from 'k6';
import someHeadersMethod from '../our-lib/some-headers.js';
export default class CustomClient {
constructor (hostname) {
// ctor.
this.hostname = hostname
this.nonAutheticatedHeaders = someHeadersMethod(hostname)
this.uniqueId = uuid().generate()
// Since each virtual user & iteration combo is unique,
// ...we can in theory keep data throughout the test in the CustomClient
// Example method
getDinosaurFeeders (species) {
const url = `http://${this.hostname}/feeders/${species}`
return group('Get Dinosaur Feeders', () => {
const r = http.get(url, {}, { headers: this.nonAutheticatedHeaders })
const status = check(r, {
'status is 200': r => r.status && r.status === 200
if (!status) {
fail(`Unexpected status for ${url}, received ${r.status}, log_id ${this.uniqueId}`)
} else {
return r.json('feeders') // e.g. feeders is an array of strings
For other experiments we can then reuse the CustomClient
and other abstractions.
Expose environment variables from the start
In one of the earliers points, Abstract requests in clients, there was a snippet of code that might have gone unnoticed:
const hostname = __ENV.hostname
const dinossaur_species = __ENV.dinossaur_species
These two lines fetch Environment variables. These will in turn affect the behavior of the script in run-time.
We can use them when running on k6 directly:
hostname=<some-host> dinossaur_species=<some-species> k6 run dino-park-security-fences.test.js
And we could also use them when running on Docker:
docker run --name dino-park-tests \
--net host \
-v ${PWD}:/src \
-i grafana/k6 run /src/dino-park-security-fences.test.js \
-e hostname=<some-host> -e dinossaur_species=<some-species>
It’s a pretty innocuous feature.
The trick is to make use of this feature as early on as possible. We’ll want to be able to setup some configuration and tweaks, regardless of “host” where we run k6 scripts:
- On a Docker container;
- On a Continuous Integration runner, e.g. a GitHub Actions runner, a Gitlab CI runner, Jenkins worker, …;
- On (more than one) serverless containers, e.g. AWS Fargate;
- On Kubernetes (example);
- On k6 Cloud;
- …
All these support using Environment Variables, which enable tweaking our tests.
Wrap assertions and meaningful failures
One thing that is often overlooked when setting up load testing scenarios in k6 is what to do in case of failure.
A failure state oftentimes falls into these patterns:
- The target system of our test is malfunctioning due to load;
- Our load generators are not able to reach a target, due to network config or state issues;
- We made a mistake when designing our scenario;
- …
To counter this: Use of k6’s checks() and fail().
import {check, fail} from 'k6';
const status = check(/* ... */);
if (!status) {
fail(`Unexpected status for ${url}, received ${r.status}, log_id ${this.uniqueId}`);
Closing remarks
There are problems with each of these workarounds. The biggest of all is likely the added effort to start and setup a load-testing repository.
There’s a “locking” experience when writing tests using k6, much like with Postman or Insomnia. In k6’s case we don’t have control of what translates the Javascript-esque code to run in a Go based “load engine”.
The act of making k6 code a bit more structured or terse, inflicts other responsibilities. Like adding steps to keep it clean, setting up linting, and manage its dependencies. This is not the case with some other load testing libraries.
When it comes to load testing tool choice, as with any other testing tools, it becomes a matter of balance. Rather, of picking our battles, or poison of choice.
These are also more abstract problems that follow from this approach using k6, but shared with other load testing tools:
- Sharing the codebase and making others active participants in the load testing “dance”;
- How do we take this up a notch, running our load test scenarios at a larger scale, in a distributed way.
I’ll share more of each in two future posts. Stay tuned.
If you read this far, thank you. Feel free to reach out to me with comments, ideas, grammar errors, and suggestions via any of my social media. Until next time, stay safe, take care! If you are up for it, you can also buy me a coffee ☕